
Showing posts from August, 2005

If the truth will be told, so as to be understoood, it will be believed

Today in Nursery, one of Aaron's teachers asked him if he helped out at home by washing dishes. He said that he doesn't help (which is untrue), because Dad always does it. Apparently, this was deemed funny and unlikely. But Aaron simply calls 'em as he sees 'em.

Painting Completed, August Wrap-up

With the last touchup of paint, our house now sits idle (for the moment) for improvements. The color, Banyan Tree (a little green, a little olive), looked a little bright going on, but once it dried, it looks super--especially when compared to when we first bought the house two years ago. Michael took two days off from ADP and helped our friend (and professional painter) with all the work, so we finished a lot faster and under budget (I think). Aaron is spending Monday through Wednesday with Grandma Asay in Keizer, his first extended absense from us since Edward was born. Sounds like he's having a good time, except for when he cried before attempting to ride the carousel in Riverfront park--but I cried too when I learned it was being built. And after having him back (it's now Friday), his speech seems more refined and clear; I guess he had to take his language to the next level in order to be understood with G&G. Edward (who just cut his first two teeth in the last