
Showing posts from February, 2010

A Fine Day

Everything seems to be clicking right in place lately. The Portland Central Library fulfilled my reservation for book 5 in the 39 Clues series (which Aaron and Edward eagerly look forward to reading every night), so I planned my lunch-time walk to go by the library. I also knew that Aaron's first grade class was on a field trip to see a live performance of Giggle Giggle Quack at the Newmark Theatre, so I was hopeful to catch him before the show started. As I neared the theatre, I noticed a few large group of kids walking around, and eventually I found Aaron and his class. I had told him that I would look for him but not to expect that our paths would converge, but he wasn't surprised when I called out his name as I crossed the street to join his class walking around the city. We chatted for about 10 minutes, while I eagerly pointed out some of the more famous buildings that are in a book about Portland that we looked at together a few days ago. Aaron has really struggled wi