
Showing posts from February, 2011

Brother Jamin Visits

My younger brother Jamin (of pig and goat fame ) came for a short visit this weekend, as he was interviewing for a position at Linfield College in the relatively nearby hamlet of McMinnville. We picked him up at PDX and he stayed with us for two crazy days and nights of non-stop fun and laughs and amazement--not to mention all of the records that he set on our copy of Wii Fit. He survived OMSI with the young monsters, grocery shopping with Meg, walking around the neighborhood to get Slurpee's at 7-11, and a bicycle adventure through Southeast Portland (mostly hipster-free). On this ride--which was in full sun and mild temperatures--I rode my Trek with Ian attached in a bike trailer, while Jamin rode the Black Sheep . Before winding up the nearly-nine mile ride, we stopped at the Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden. After locking up the bikes, we took Ian on a walk through the gardens, which he absolutely loved. He walked right up to the ducks and geese--some even let  him pet them

The De-evolution of My Feet

Many of you know that I have scrapped shoes and go barefoot as much as possible. That doesn't mean I actually walk around outside in my bare feet-- I'm not (that) stupid , you know. My family gave me my first pair of Vibram FiveFingers (VFF) for father's day last year, and I've been wearing them every day since. Being active--specifically running--has been a part of my life for so long, that I had to take a risk to see if something so seemingly strange could really help me back. I first thought running barefoot was just a new fad that would fade soon enough, but I am a believer--being barefoot has saved me. My knees no longer hurt, my lower legs/feet/ankles are stronger than ever, and I'm running as fast as I ever have in my 30's (once the  kids came, I just couldn't justify the time needed to compete at a high level anymore). People ask me about my VFF's all the time, and I happily relate my story and recommend that they buy a pair for themselves. S