The Ultimate Weekend (for Meg)

I suppose now that a week has passed, it is the fair time to rate our Memorial Day weekend.

Meg's Departure
Meg and the boys picked me up at the office in Portland on Wednesday, and we spent a couple hours hanging around the old office (technically, I worked in Old Town, but in a few years they will sell that building and all move to the airport). As soon as we left Meg at security, we three boys began our 5+ day adventure without female influence. It all went downhill from there.

I lost my ticket to get out of the parking garage; luckily I found my receipt--along with some 19-year old girl's drivers license (don't ask me where that came from), and the lone gate worker took pity on me and let me out. Aaron somehow found solace and sleep in the ride home, but Edward sensed the loss and cried the whole way home. Thanks for the foreshadow, second-born.

California Dreamin'
Meanwhile, Meg met up with her Sherwood-era friends Shannon (now based in Utah) and Susan (host living in Burbank). They went on the Price is Right (lady next to them got called down), Universal Studios, the beach, and sundry sightseeing adventures. And of course lots of delicious, well-prepared ethnic foods.

The Misadventures of the Asay Boys
I had a long list of fun activities (and some work tasks, too) collected on my PDA, but oh how naive was I. The weather didn't cooperate at all: it rained every day Meg was gone, and we had record low temperatures. We tried to go for a hike along the Willamette at Minto Island; it should have been fun, but Aaron whined more than usual, and Edward kept spitting out the crackers I kept feeding him while pushing him in the jogger. We visited the library on Friday, but the discovery center was closed when it wasn't supposed to be. So Edward took out his frustration by pulling as many book off the shelf as he could. Poor Eddie then got sick on Friday, coughing like a life-long smoker. So we stayed home from church on Sunday, save Aaron, whom I dropped off for Primary so Edward could get some peace and rest (dad, too). We worked hard on Monday to clean the house and mow the lawn, so Megan would see how much we appreciate her so she would never consciously leave us again . . .


  1. Anonymous6:43 PM

    So where did Meg go? Somewhere exotic and fun?


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