Never Too Cold for Work and Play

We hosted Uncle Donald, Aunt Lois, and cousin Ben--the new Keizer Asay's--at our house for dinner this evening after church. Aaron had declared earlier that he would spend the time upstairs in his room while our guests were here, but he actually stuck around for dinner--at least for a while.

We realized that Aaron was missing some time later, and it turns out that he was out in the backyard playing. Never mind that we are experiencing a cold spell, with the mercury level hovering around 25 degrees. Aaron was determined to make charmigins--which for those of you who don't know, that is dirt with snow packed on top of it (we had a little snow fall this week, but it hasn't risen above freezing so it's stuck around), all in a plastic bucket--it sort of looked like a chocolate cake with vanilla frosting smothered on top. He eventually brought it inside to share with everyone. I'm still not sure how he was able to scoop up the frozen dirt with a tiny, plastic shovel, but apparently nothing was going to stand in the way of charmigins production.


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