Anyone Missing a Deer?

I was running through PSU's campus on my way to Washington Park on my lunch-time run today, when I saw a dear running around near the soccer field. I think it's finals week, so it was probably best that gawkers were relatively few--but those that were there all had their camera phones taking pictures and videos of this oddity. It didn't seem too afraid of me, but I was disheartened that it didn't challenge me in a race through campus. I think animals have a better sense of how old and physically limited I really am.


  1. What kind of "dear" was it now? Dear diary, dear sir, one of your dear children? You do what for a living now? (Snark, Snark, Snark)

  2. At least I typed it right in the title, dang'it.

    FYI, after reading the linked article, I may have been one of the first persons to see our dear friend the deer. 15 more minutes of non-fame!


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