Labor Day Fun

We started off by watching a dumb movie, Sahara. Avoid it like the plague it portrays.

Aaron and I ran to the nearest MAX stop and rode out to Hillsboro for our morning run. Boy, what were we thinking. Hillsboro? There's a reason we live in Beaverton.

We cleaned out Meg's car (while taking inventory of our food storage) and installed Aaron's booster seat (and moved gave Edward Aaron's seat).

Aaron and Michael later attended the Portland Beavers game at PGE Park; we had to go because how often can you see a major leaguer on the mound (Shawn Estes--and boy, was he good)? It was a pitchers' dual the whole way, with the Beaver's man taking a no-hitter into the 6th. The Beavers lost it all in the 9th, just as Aaron fell asleep in my lap. He woke up as I carried him to the MAX stop, and he denies ever falling asleep. It was a great night. Next year (I've already been building Aaron up for it) we'll head down to Eugene for Ducks vs. Aggies 2006.

After a meeting-free day of church, Aaron and Michael played for several hours while Meg and Edward napped. Seems like we did something together as a family, but my memory is fading like my hair is greying.

Aaron and Michael ran to Commonwealth Park and fed the ducks. They also drove to Uwajimaya to stock up on rice and other goodies for Michael's crazy_Japanese_dishes when Meg leaves in the evening for her occasional activity. We all finishied the day swimming and eating at the Ball's house.


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