Halloween 2005

This year was the boys' first year trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. Meg took them to her friends' houses, and Michael finished up the rest of the neighborhood (carrying Edward his arms, and dragging Aaron near the end of the evening) plus Trenton (the large and expenseive houses adjacent to our Surrey Pines). Edward was a pumpkin, while Aaron donned a Thomas the Tank Engine costume.

After our 8:30 p.m. return, Meg counted all of Aaron's booty to number around 250 pieces; several houses were dumping handsful of loot in Aaron's bag as the evening moved on. Aaron showed his maturity by asking for only two pieces before bed. It had rained all day, cleared up for a few hours during the evening (the weather coopoerated perfectly) and it began pouring again right after we fell asleep.


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