Weekend of Independance

Meg was hosting a party for an acquaintence on Saturday morning, so we three boys drove to Hood River to see Thomas the Tank Engine at the Mt. Hood Railway. It was pretty much the same stuff as last year, only today it was warmer and dustier. There was a small petting zoo the boys went in, but when you're only 15 months old, it must have seemed like being caught in a stampeed. Both Aaron and Edward seemed to have a good time, and were both somewhat dissappointed when it came time to leave. Ironically, they spent most of their time playing with the toy trains; we have what I think is a better setup at home, but I guess the newness factor won them over.

After Meg took the boys to their morning music class at the church, we drove about 25 miles east to Mehama for our 7th annual Independance Day Hike (see our history for past hikes). We hiked about 1.5 miles up a gravel road (closed off to traffic a decade or so ago) to Shellburg Falls. The falls resemble Lower South Falls (you can walk behind them), only less grandeur. We continued on another .5 mile above the falls to reach a simple campsite (although it does have restrooms and running water from an old_school pump, which the boys enjoyed playing with), where we finished our lunch and let The Word out of the backpack to run around. Aaron once again walked the entire length of the hike, although he whined the last mile or so about how tired he was. But he was excited when we saw the car again and said he had fun hiking.

We recently saved Lil' Megan's Razor scooter from a potential garage sale, and Aaron has spent lots of time riding it around the neighborhood (Edward likes to ride, too, but obviously needs help from Dad). He seemed to show good balance skills on it, so I encouraged him to remove the training wheels from his little_dudes bike. He agreed, and we all walked over to Lee Elementary to let Aaron practice riding down some gentle grass slopes at the schoolyard. He crashed shortly after launching his first few attempts, but he was soon able to ride down the hill unassisted until his bike ran out of gas, and he plopped over. The bike is really too small for him, but the chain eventually snapped and halted practice for the evening. Even though he crashed a lot, he liked the challenge and the new freedom. As soon as we find a bigger, better bike for him, I expect he'll be riding a lot on his own soon . . .


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