Look out for That Bee!

Meg went into the office for a full day of work on Wednesday, so we interned the kids at a neighbor's house for the day. When I got home, the garage was open, and the house was empty. So I figured Meg had just beat me home and was picking up the boys four doors down. In the distance I spotted the crew walking home, so I went to meet them in the middle. Meg was pushing them in the double stroller, with Aaron sitting in the front, crying. I figured he was just sad to leave (he really enjoys having friends come over and vice versa), but apparently a hornet had stung him on his right shin.

I carried the wounded boy into the house and gently layed him on the recliner, as he was whimpering that he couldn't walk. Meg concocted a salve of water and baking soda, and lovingly spread it over the affected area. For the next hour or so, we babied him as he watched cartoons on DVD, until he perked up again and was running around as usual. No abnormal swelling, and no apparent fear of bees.


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