Introduction to Autzen

Despite being a Ducks fan for as long as I can remember, I had never been to one of their football games. But there's always a first for everything. Megan's brother Jared kindly gave me two tickets to the Ducks vs. PSU Vikings game--tickets that just don't come much better. We were three rows from the 37-yard line; we could easily tell who the players were (including little Megan's friend from McNary, Kylie McCrae), and if Aaron's voice were any more powerful, he would have had a few conversations with the PSU players.

The weather, while a little cold (but which was nice because Aaron was able to don multiple layers of Duck paraphernalia, including Ducks pajamas, Ducks sweatshirt, and Ducks winter coat), was sunny and rain-free (although we were on the shady side of the stadium). I've seen the stadium a million times on TV, so it was so surreal walking up the steps to the concourse, and upon entering the stadium. While it is certainly a large venue, it still seemed small.

Aaron and I both had lots of fun, cheering and shouting and eating Fun Dipps and Nerds and popcorn. Aaron actually paid attention to most of the game, and he would cheer wildly on good plays and especially on touchdowns. He said that he particularly liked watching the male cheerleader run around with the giant Oregon flag after each score.


  1. Anonymous5:39 PM



  2. Anonymous6:20 PM

    What he meant to say was:

    Ducks? Nerds? Lucky!



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