CCNA Passed

About 13 months ago, I started going to night school at Chemeketa to learn more about computer networking, with the goal of passing the CCNA exam (see history for why I did this). Once class finished in June, I was theoretically prepared to pass the exam. But I was scared to take it, and then Cisco changed which testing centers could administer the exam and Salem lost its only site, and we went on vacation, and summer was great, etc., etc. But when I saw that Cisco was retiring the current version of the CCNA the first week of November, that was the final kick-in-the-pants I needed. So I just picked a date that would give me a chance to take it twice if I failed the first time. But I ended up only needing the first attempt.

I had been studying off-and-on since I finished class, but I stepped it up to a higher gear the last two weeks before the test, reading exam prep books and taking practice tests. I never did very well on the practice tests, so I had a right to be scared. But I fasted and prayed with sincerity, and I entered the test center calm and confident. As I took the test, the answers easily flowed from my brain, and except for one big simulation that I totally muffed, I knew almost all of the answers.

Upon leaving the testing center in Beaverton, I felt a huge burden fall off my shoulders, and I was on cloud 9 the rest of the day.


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