Visit to the Monks

Today was another beautiful, sunny autumn day, so Meg suggested that we drive out to the Brigittine Monastery near Amity (not the Amity where Jaws was filmed) and pick up some famous monk-made fudge for Grandpa Hanna (it's for his Christmas gift, so don't spill the beans to him), who has mentioned that he really likes their stuff. After crossing the Marion Street Bridge, we traveled up Wallace then west through Perrydale and north towards Amity--country that I had never driven through before. The monastery sits about a half-mile off the paved road, and upon getting out of the car Meg and I both remarked how quiet and peaceful the setting was. Both boys had fallen asleep, but Edward woke up when the engine shut off, so we took him in and left Aaron behind to guard the car. The "store" was manned by a single monk (from New Mexico), and he let us sample their product; as soon as the tray was offered, Edward quickly reached in and grabbed one--that kid loves his sweets, and was mad that he didn't get to eat anymore. We also peeked in the cathedral on-site; the decorations were very beautiful--and very much in contrast to an LDS chapel.

On our way back we tried to visit Meg's sister's new house in Dallas, but they weren't home so we took the kids to Burger King; Meg stole away to Quiznos just down the road and snuck it in to Burger King so we had something decent to eat while the boys played around on the outdoor playground.


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