Choir Boy

Our ward is the last to meet for church in our building, so we are responsible for taking down all the chairs used for classes in the gym. My class meets in the gym, and we usually run a little longer than the Primary; our class knows this because Aaron always makes it a priority to come to the gym to help take down chairs as soon as his class lets loose. He always opens the door before we're done, peeks his head in, then closes the door after seeing that we aren't finished yet. He does this every 30 seconds or so. Our class has learned to expect and enjoy this highly-comical act most weeks.

Our ward's choir practices right after the last church meeting, so we usually see them congregating in the choir seats as we're putting away the chairs in the gym. After we had finished, Aaron asked if he could sing in the choir. We checked with the choir director, and she welcomed his participation. They will be singing "Away in a Manger" next Sunday, and Aaron picked up most of the words after practicing the song three times.

I was somewhat hesitant at first to support Aaron in this. I didn't want him to be a distraction to both the choir and the audience. And was he doing it for the treats the choir provides its members each practice, or possibly to hang out with his favorite former primary music leader (and distant cousin to the Asay's), Annie Scott (who brought her two daughters, the oldest of which is roommates at Rick's with my youngest sister)? But I think he simply has a sincere desire to sing with the group, and that seems like a terrible thing to squash in a young child. I hope he musters the courage to follow through and sing with the choir next Sunday.


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