More "No Swimming on Sundays"

We attended a baptismal service for the child of a friend tonight. I've taken Aaron to a baptism before, but this was Edward's first experience. When the curtain to the baptismal font was opened and the children were invited to witness the baptism up-close, Edward walked up with the rest of the kids. But he didn't just sit down behind the other kids; he maneuvered to the front and leaned over the foot-tall plastic barrier, getting as close a look as possible. I was standing nearby and encouraged him repeatedly to sit down. But he kept firing back at me, "Dad, go swimming? Dad, go swimming?" I honestly thought he was going to fall head-over-heels into the font, breaking our family-held tradition of not swimming on the sabbath. But he eventually planted his rear on the floor and escaped the service without incident.


  1. Hey Mike...I can't find Meg's email and I have some HOT pics of her at the dance I want to email her. Could you let me know her email?? THanks!


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