People Get Hurt Playing Football

Aaron and I were watching one of the non-important bowl games (i.e., anything but the Duck's awe-inspiring victory in the Sun Bowl), and he noticed that one of the players wasn't getting up after the play.

Aaron: "Dad, why isn't that guy moving?"
Michael: "He probably got hurt on the play"
Aaron: "Oh, people get hurt in football games?"
Michael: "You bet."
Aaron: "I think I want to play basketball instead. I don't want to get hurt"

Both A-Ron and The Word love playing football over any other game/sport, so I was surprised to hear Aaron say this. But it also makes sense, as Aaron is more timid to do new or potentially dangerous activities (and he's never been hurt much in our backyard gridiron brawls). Edward (again yin to Aaron's yang) has always had the mentality to jump first (and blindly trust that Mom or Dad is looking to catch him as he flies through the air or down a flight of stairs) and pick fights with Aaron, who weights nearly twice as much as him.


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