The Legend of Zelda: The Story of the Tri-Force

Aaron and Edward both enjoy playing the many Zelda video games we have, and they have even more fun acting out their own Zelda-themed stories. And now they want to share them with you.

Aaron recently voiced his desire to make a movie. He thought to just borrow my flip video camera and make something with no planning. But I told him to write a story first, and then we could shoot some footage. I don't think he realized how much work goes into making what he wanted: writing the story, shooting the footage, creating the soundtrack and narration, and then putting it all together. But he faithfully sat by my side and consulted with me on most decisions.

Meg usually shakes her head at the boys when they go into Zelda mode, but she fully supported their efforts, hoping that they "get it out of their system" now, so they don't grow up to be like these goobers.


  1. Anonymous6:27 AM

    you all have wwwwwwaaaaaaaaayyyyyy to much time on your hands! Come on over and we will put you all to work!(of course, we must too, since we all watched it!) Way to go eddie and aaron, when you're famous who watched your first films! The VA Boorens

  2. That is so fun!! Congratulations on the fine work Aaron did!! I'm so impressed.


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