The Unveiling

This afternoon Meg will undergo an emergency ultrasound to appease her appetite for knowing the sex of the baby that is growing vigorously inside of her. While in Salt Lake/Park City last week, she was tempted (by her friends, of course) to pay for a vanity ultrasound at a boutique in a mall (apparently this is a popular and trendy thing to do)--she even called to tell me that she had gone through with it (she is very good at telling stories that persuade me to believe in something untrue), knowing she could get a good laugh at my expense.

Meg has gone back-and-forth with her personal feeling of what the baby's sex is, but lately she has settled on it being a girl. I've been in the boy camp for most of the pregnancy, mainly because that's what I know, but I think I have crossed the lake to the girl's camp now. Regardless, we'll find out this afternoon.

If you are reading before I publish the results, check back again soon for the breaking-news-update.

Breaking-Update: The doctor's office called thirty minutes before the appointment to cancel. Meg's a little upset so I wouldn't bother her for a while.


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