Lo! He Sleepeth

From Little North Fork Hike

Some of you may have forgotten that I have a third son because I write little--if anything--about him. Well, like Brittney said, Why don't ya do something? Today Ian slept more in one stretch than did I (i.e., he went to bed before me, and woke up after me): he went to bed around 9:30 p.m., and he didn't wake up until about 5:00 a.m.--and he did this all in his own bed. He usually wakes up around 3 or 4--but just once. Aaron was an absolute terrible sleeper as a baby (and even as a toddler--see here, here, and here), so I'm glad he came first--it has made the latter boys so much easier to manage.

Random Observations of the Moment:
  • Ian weighs 15.6 pounds (with clothes).
  • Ian will occasionally smile back at you if he thinks your face is goofy-looking enough.
  • Ian likes to be held--a lot.
  • Ian enjoys his nightly bath.
  • Ian does not like watching the Lakers play basketball--except when they are losing to the Blazers.


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