Urban Journals Part 6: Family Night

On Tuesday nights Mike's Drive In (a local dive, 0.6 miles from our house) has specials on food and treats. We've been there a couple of times already--it's hard to turn down .$0.49 cones and $0.99 sundaes. It had been raining hard all day, but after dinner Meg noticed the sun had broken through, and she suggested we walk over to Mike's for dessert. We all made sure to grab our umbrellas (we each have our own) before we left, which was wise as it began raining hard and hailing as soon as we embarked. I had Ian in the backpack, so I wasn't sure what he though of it--he was quiet and still the whole time. Aaron remarked several times about how we were setting a new record; I'm not sure if he meant the amount of rain that was falling, or that he had to walk through it, or that it would live long in his memory. Eddie didn't finish his cone, so I had to down it for him--that's the real reason I haven't lost any weight since we moved here, despite my more healthy lifestyle (not that I need to, but I haven't lost my usual 10-pound winter coat yet).

On a side note, Ian has begun walking everywhere. When I came in the door after work this evening, Meg set Ian down just outside the kitchen, and he walked all the way to me at the front door--smiling and giggling the whole way--until he crashed into the safety of my arms and gave me as big a hug as he could. I'll see if I can post a video of his new skills shortly . . .


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