Eddie Lost a Tooth (Again and Again and Again)

Eddie lost a tooth today. This wasn't his first, but he's literally lost all the other baby teeth before he could put them under his pillow for the tooth fairy. He almost pulled the same trick with this tooth.

A kick to the head (courtesy of Aaron) loosened it up and it came out during dinner. Meg and I encouraged him to put the tooth somewhere safe, but he insisted on holding onto it, which included running around with it outside. We were all outside enjoying the sunny warmth--the older boys talking and tradin' Pokemon cards with some neighborhood friends, while Meg and I watched Ian on the front porch--when Meg called the boys to come in for the evening. I happened to have my camera at the time and, at Meg's suggestion, I recorded the following video of Aaron and Eddie coming home.

Eddie Loses His Tooth from mike asay on Vimeo.

While all of us were searching the grass on hands-and-knees, I remembered that I had captured the scene on video. Shortly after Meg reviewed the crime on camera, we were able to pinpoint which area to look in, and Meg found the tooth shortly thereafter.

Once inside the house, Meg found a small, seal-able plastic bag and gave it to Eddie to safeguard his tooth; however, he continued to hold onto the tooth in his hand. After reading together in the basement, Eddie announced yet again that he had lost his tooth. After scouring the basement where Eddie claimed he last had the tooth, we once again lost hope of ever seeing it again. But Aaron rescued his brother this time, finding it in the bathroom a few minutes later.

We could not for the life of us convince Eddie to put his tooth in safer surroundings, and he of course lost it yet another time while in his bed. Meg found it once again, hidden in a corner of his sheet, and did not allow Eddie to touch it any more.

And the tooth fairy apparently did find it that night, as Eddie found some money under his pillow the next morning.


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