Midnight in Paris

Have you ever walked to the movie theater? Our local cinema center is just .8 miles away--an easy and pleasant walk, especially at the beginning of summer. I met Meg there to watch Midnight in Portland Paris--a perfect fit, as the theater opened in 1926, and the movie was romanticizing this same time period. The theatre was as packed as I've ever seen it--mostly with older men and women, thus eliciting my often "We're the youngest ones here" line that I often drop when attending events in the neighborhood, and which Meg promptly refutes. Apparently I have a self-inflated image of how young I am.

One of the benefits of walking home from a movie is that both Meg and I could freely discuss our reactions. She thought I bore strong resemblance to Owen Wilson's character (and we're not just talking the gigantic noses, the genuine charm with the ladies, and the goofy sense of humor), if you substitute the 80's for the 20's. Sure, I like music from the 80's, but just as much as I do the 90's or the 00's or the 10's. Of course Pee Wee Herman is a great movie, but just as good as Napolean Dynamite. So we disagreed, but just being able to walk home and have that friendly discussion was fabulous.


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