Camping Along the White River

Edward as Gollum
I took Edward and Ian camping at White River Station, south and east of Mt. Hood. Aaron's friends invited him for a trip to Cannon Beach, so he missed out. Our church sponsored the event, so we let them feed us hearty meals for dinner and breakfast. Normally Aaron or Meg helps me set up our huge tent, but Edward stepped up and provided the helping hand I needed to set up our camp. The boys enjoyed playing by the river and exploring the trails around the campground, and one of the older boys even let Edward shoot his BB gun rifle. Later in the evening Edward decided he was Gollum and led Ian and I (and another father/son from our ward) around some cool trails that took us across the river to see even more territory.
Mr. Grumpy Pants
He kept saying, "Come hobbits's," and then raced ahead and expected us to keep up with him. After the night captured the camp, we retreated back and found the group watching a mormon-themed video. I find it high-larious that we travel all that way to get away from society just to watch a movie. Although it sprinkled at times during the afternoon, the rain kept away for the night.

Ian making pancakes
Saturday morning we ate breakfast, tore down camp (Edward snuck into the van and played his DS, which was technically only for use in the car, so he wasn't technically breaking protocol, but still), then went on a hike. Edward assumed his role as Gollum again, and we hiked until we found the Precious, the one ring (which was really just a pine cone). We turned around and rushed back to camp so we could destroy the ring in Mt. Doom's death pit (the camp fire). We barely made it--fortunately Gollum survived in this episode (he didn't jump in the lava, as he is much stronger willed than the actual Gollum).


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