Halloween 2013

Dr. Watson
We enjoyed dry and mild temperatures for Halloween again this year. Trick-or-treating in Westmoreland/Sellwood still remains a great experience; Meg and I have determined, however, that next year we should stick to the northern part of the neighborhood because the houses there don't see the same amount of traffic as does the central region. We met some neighbors who hadn't seen a single trick-or-treater and others who prepared special treats for the kids that did visit them.

Bad Ninja
Edward, Ian, Meg, and I stuck together for the majority of the night, while Aaron toured the neighborhood with his friend Francesco. Edward and Ian performed as well as I've ever seen them, although Edward recommends wearing comfortable shoes as opposed to ones that match your costume.

Some kind of Storm/Clone Trooper
I ended up with almost as much candy as did the kids because they are so well parented and like to share and know that I like candy more than anybody else on the planet.


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