The Giver

While each of my children likes the Trail Blazers in differing amounts, I try to rotate them in equally as my companion so they have a chance to hang out with me at the handful of games I have tickets for. Edward accompanied me to tonight's game against Toronto. We rode the bus to the Lloyd Center then walked to Burgerville for dinner, where Edward experimented with the drink machine and enjoyed his four-flavored Sprite, mixed with Barqs and caffeine-free-diet Coke. We continued our walk to the Rose Garden, passing the usual mix of street musicians, ticket scalpers, and dudes selling Super Bowl t-shirts for five bucks. Edward suddenly said, "Wait, I need to go back and do something," while turning tail and scampering back the way we had just came. When I caught back up to him, he had stopped, opened his big coat, searched for his wallet (which he had just reloaded with money from his jar that Meg keeps as a reward for his good behavior), pulled out a dollar bill, dropped it into the saxophone player's tip hat, and reveled at the thank-you he received in return. Edward wore a huge smile all the way to the Rose Garden.


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