Father's Day 2014 - Hike at Cape Horn

I chose to begin Father's Day with a run through the city. But before I could begin, Meg presented me with a new FitBit so I could track how many more steps I take in a day than does she. Many of my friends at work have FitBits, so I wanted to be able to compete with them and give them a goal (i.e., my perfect fitness routines) to aspire to. When I returned after an hour plus run, I was surprised with coffee cake and fruit and other gifts from the kids, namely two five-pound bags of Runts. Whenever Meg makes a Coscto run, she asks me if I want anything. My long-standing is reply is a five-pound bag of Runts, which they stopped carrying many, many years ago. So she finally came through and ordered some from Amazon.

The next stage of our day began with a drive to the Washington-side of the Gorge. We have completed many hikes in the Gorge, but never in Washington. Cape Horn, in the western-most reaches of the Gorge, was our destination. Our hike lasted but a few miles, but we had to fight through the rain and fog and low-hanging clouds.  When we reached the top, it was a total white-out--you couldn't see anything: not the river, not any trees, not the sky. Part of the trail was closed to construction (so has been our luck the last few hikes), so we stopped short and returned to the car. By the time we got to the bottom of the climb, the rain had stopped, the sun had come out (albeit briefly), so we ate our lunches on a picnic bench and left just before the next rain storm rolled through.


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