Post-Independence Day Camping

Last year for Independence Day we camped at Lost Creek and hiked nearly to Ramona Falls (which Meg recently lamented not making to the falls and wants to return--hooray!). I liked that a lot, but this year Meg reserved a yurt for us at Nehalem Bay after the holiday. On Independence Day we took a family hike through Westmoreland and Sellwood, stopping at wild places like gluten-free bakeries for a treat (although I've yet to meet a gluten-free baked good that I really liked) and the Boys and Girls Club for the younger ones to play on the playground (we left Aaron at home, as he was still sleeping). That afternoon we went as a family to one of Aaron's friend's house for food and badminton. And we concluded the evening watching fireworks from the Sellwood bluff.

We left early Sunday morning to drive to the coast so we could spend most of the day at the beach before checking in to our Yurt at the campground. I took the boys to Nehalem Bay last year, which proved to be fun and peaceful and nearly private, so Meg wanted to join in the fun this time. The mercury was surely pushing the low 80's at Nehalem Bay, as it felt hot--something you just don't usually experience at the Oregon Coast. Meg wasn't feeling great, so she napped on the sand while the boys and I played soccer and football, Aaron flew a kite, Edward and Ian built structures in the wet sand, and I collected lots of rocks to litter my beloved paths back home. We stayed for 3-4 hours before departing for our nearby yurt. I cooked sausages and pasta for dinner while the children gathered firewood and climbed trees. I tried to recruit someone for a night hike but failed. We left early the next morning so I could get back to work for the afternoon shift after a half-day vacation.


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