Ian Reaches 6

Ian has reached the age of six. In the past year, he has begun kindergarten, not gotten his hair cut, and transitioned to riding a bike with pedals. Ian had his first birthday party at JJ Jump with half of his kindergarten class, which even included a couple of girls--girls! Ian gets along better with Edward, as demonstrated by Ian always attacking Aaron; he often sits on Aaron's head and never misses the chance to attack whenever Aaron is on the ground. Ian likes to talk. A lot. He enjoys jumping on our neighbor's trampoline, usually with the older kids in the neighborhood. Ian maintains strange eating habits: he will take his breakfast (often chicken nuggets) under the table, while eating extremely slowly, so he can sit near the heater while watching My Little Pony (he's seen every episode about five times) on his little laptop. He may or may not have an Oedipus complex like Edward had, as he says he loves Meg the most and thinks she's cute.

Here is a quick interview that Ian did for me without a single complaint--improvement!


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