Don't Feed the Animals

Let's start out by saying we set a record high temperature today (102, and it is still 90 degrees out there at 9:40 p.m.) in Western Oregon--YUCK. Apparently, the heat has warped the minds of at least one of the Asay animals.

After coming home from work, I picked some peas from the garden, walked over to a shady spot on the grass, and began to supp on the richness of the earth. Edward came over shortly and begged for some peas--he's a lover of all foods fresh from the ground. So I opened a pea pod, placed the peas in my cupped hand, and offered them to him. Instead of using his tiny hand to grab them and run away, he stuck his whole face into my palm and made animal-like sounds while he quickly gorged the tiny green treasures. He did this until I ran out of peas, or until he figured out he was being filmed--I can't remember which.


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