How Our Five-Year Old Views the World

Aaron brought home a sheet of paper with an eight-question interview that he gave to one of his "buddies" at Sprague pre-school today. I'm not trying to make fun of his understanding at all; I just found it interesting to experience the world from his eyes.

  1. Where does the sun go at night? The other side of the earth, because the earth turns. [He learned that from watching Blue's Clues, Meg tells me]
  2. Why do we have snow? So that we can build a snowman and to let us know that it is winter.
  3. Why do birds sing? To let people know it's day time.
  4. How do flies walk on the ceiling? Their feet are sticky [Sounds right. Not sure how he came to that conclusion.]
  5. Why do you have a bellybutton? I would have a hole there without a bellybutton. [I found this one laugh-out-loud funny--it's like it was screwed onto him in a soda bottling company.]
  6. Why are you ticklish? Because other people tickle me.
  7. Why do the stars shine? So there can be light. And the moon too.
  8. Where do the new leaves on trees come from? Nowhere [Uh, oh: gotta unlearn the idea of spontaneous generation . . .]


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