Crossing Party Lines

I became a Democrat today--at least in the eyes of the state of Oregon--breaking a string of 15 years of faux loyalty to the other team. At heart, I consider myself an independent and vote as such. I hate party politics and honestly strive to pick the best man or woman for the job.

Because Oregon will (for once) help determine who runs for President, I decided to re-register so I could help decide the second part of the equation in this year's election smackdown. I've yet to decide for whom I will cast my vote, because it depends on whom WarMonger II's opponent will be (and, to some extent, whomever WarMonger II picks as a running mate). My boss is doing the same thing, only he's doing it to vote against a certain woman (meaning he doesn't like any of the candidates, but he definitely doesn't want her in there).


  1. Georgia has an open primary, so I voted on the Republican side. Obama had it wrapped up, so instead I decided to make an anti-warmongerII vote and cast one for Romney. Also, this way, when I get to the pearly gates and they ask me if I voted for him, I can say yes and laugh while I walk in and the rest of you suckers stand outside!! ha ha


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