The Lone Survivor

I'm probably jinxing myself for writing this, but here goes. Beginning last Sunday evening, everyone in my family became sick. Aaron volunteered first with coughing and a fever; he recovered quickly and passed the baton to Edward, who then gave it to Ian, and finally Meg succumbed to the inevitable. The boys are feeling good now and appear to have mostly recovered, while Meg's battle continues. I, however, have avoided the family illness. Why have I been so fortunate? Was it . . .
  • A. My family contracted a version of the flu that my innoculation a few weeks ago is protecting me from getting.
  • B. I am like that guy Bruce Willis portrays in Unbreakable.
  • C. I consistently lead such a healthy life that nothing can attack my immune system.
  • D. Like Mr. Burns, I have "Three Stooges Syndrome"--I have a little bit of everything, which causes everything to cancel one another out, and which provides me with a blissful homeostasis.
  • E. I just wasn't home enough during the week to catch the bug.
Please comment with your vote and reasoning.


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