Meet Eddie-the-Dog

Several people came up to me today and commented on how much they enjoyed Edward in our ward's primary program (where the kids ages 4-11 take over and present for the entire sacrament meeting, which includes each child delivering a small speaking part). Eddie had memorized his short, one-liner, and said he would deliver it by himself--Meg had prepped him well over the last few weeks. But this isn't why people were impressed with Eddie. Let's back up to see how we came to this situation.

Eddie was on the floor at church when Ian puked on him--it wasn't normal spit-up, unfortunately, and probably caused by the grilled salmon sushi from Vista Market that Meg ate with me the night before to celebrate my 15-year anniversary of arriving in Japan for the first time. Eddie was understandably upset at having to wear a nasty shirt, so Meg raced home to bring him a new, clean one. She made it back just as the kids were moving forward to take their seats at the front of the chapel. After dressing him in his new shirt, I tried unsuccessfully to get a whining Edward to go sit with the rest of the kids. I eventually picked him up and carried him to his assigned seat, but he quickly jumped up and ran out of the chapel. I tried to reason with him, but he was beyond upset and wouldn't calm down for several minutes. He eventually went back and sat with class--and just in time for his part. With the microphone in his hand, and all eyes of the congregation focused on him, he began making strange, unintelligible sounds--and maybe even some barking. My head immediately dropped and my hands tried to cover the embarrassment on my face, while some of the congregation chuckled over his antics.

Now, Eddie is not a reliable source of information, and his answers can change depending on the time of day and his mood. But afterward I told him that I was disappointed that he didn't say his one-liner during the presentation. He replied that he had, but just that Eddie-the-Dog did it for him. For those who don't know, Eddie-the-Dog is his alter-ego, which he occasionally blames for his inappropriate behavior. You didn't honestly think we had a real dog, did you?

After stewing about it all day, I've really altered my opinion of his behavior, and I can't help but laugh about how fun and silly the boy can be.


  1. That's awesome! I can see why you were disappointed and embarrassed but glad you saw the humor in it too.

  2. He really does keep you guys guessing doesn't he? This is a great story. I'm glad you've posted, not just for the world, but for Eddie circa 15 years from now.


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