Halloween 2011

The older boys decided to be characters from that Harry Potter franchise (Meg made them gowns and scarves), while Ian got the default elephant costume, which Aaron and Ed have both donned, and which Meg adorned with "Mitt Romney 2012" signs , but for some reason removed it after she had taken the boys trick-or-treating for an hour (she thought that would embarrass me).

We lived in a different, more central part of the neighborhood last year, which proved to be full of kids pounding the streets for sugary treats. We now live at the northern extreme of the neighborhood, so we had virgin-like territory to visit. Many of the residents were very liberal in letting the kids take handfuls of candy or they passed out non-fun sizes--and one woman literally dumped the rest of her bowl in the boys' bags because she just wasn't getting much traffic at all. All three boys lasted from 6-8:45 without a single complaint, negative word, or put-down to one another--I've never seen them behave so well together. I carried Ian from house-to-house, which kept me warm--dare I say even hot, and the weather was mild and devoid of clouds or rain. Aaron's goal is to ration his candy to last until New Year's, which is reasonable considering the size of his stash.

This has nothing to do with Halloween, but later in the week, Meg and I hired a sitter and had dinner in the neighborhood before heading to Oaks Park for some hard-core roller action. No, Meg didn't join the local roller derby league (despite my encouragement), but rather we skated until our feet were blistered and our legs were tired. I made an awesome video, but you have to be in one of my circles on Google + to see it, I think. We finished up at the local gelato place for dessert and idle talk and rest. Man, it doesn't take much to wear me out these days.


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