PSU Football Game

Aaron and Eddie's Aunt Angie (recently promoted from "fake aunt") treated them to a day on the town, including tickets to the Portland State football game Saturday afternoon. They didn't last the whole game, but at least they got to see two blocked punts. I welcomed the break, as I needed some quiet time at home to rest.

Later, while taking in lunch at a nearby McDonald's, the following conversation happened (at least the gist of it, as reported by Angie):

Angie: What animal would you choose to be?
Aaron: I'd be a turtle. They live a long time and seem to live a slow, relaxing life.
Eddie: I would be a cow because then I could drink my own milk.
Angie: That's kind of gross. Pick something else.
Eddie: A hermit crab!

Please offer up your analysis on these choices in the comments.


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